Brian Hernandez is a San Francisco Chiropractor who serves San Francisco.
Brian Hernandez uses chiropractic care to address individuals as a whole person with the goal of improving health and wellness in every aspect of their lives. Dr. Hernandez approaches the person as a “whole integrated system” and uses chiropractic to address the patient’s complaints at the underlying cause rather than just focusing on symptoms. A variety of symptoms are easily traced to dysfunction of the spinal column and can be improved through chiropractic management., leading to improvements in many areas of life. Each patient gets an in depth examination and tailored treatment plan based on results and their own personal pattern.
If you have any questions about the chiropractor or about how chiropractic care may be right for you please call or text:
- Call - (415)861-1790
- Text - (415)340-2017
Office Hours
- Monday: 8-1
- Tuesday: 1-6
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: 7:30-1, 5-6
- Friday: 8-1
Educational background
- Doctorate of Chiropractic, Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA
- Bachelors of Science Kinesiology (Exercise Science), California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA